I will start out by stating that we use A Beka Academy for homeschooling, we chose this route because it was highly recommended by other Christian HS moms I came into contact with, it's our first year, and the format, I feel, is what I need to succeed. This program gives me the materials and manuals for each grade level, lessons plans, and teacher guides/keys...this IS how I know what to teach.
As I have been going further along this year, I find myself still looking and reading about what to teach and if they are 'keeping' up with the rest. Guess the human mind is never satisfied! :) Even though I do own this curriculum (A Beka), I still look at websites, read books, and articles to cross examine standards. Here are some that I have visited:
1. (Since we are military overseas) DoDDS Europe, A PARENT'S GUIDE for grades Pre-K thru Sixth grade.
2. School Resources for Parents by Family Education
3. Homeschool.com Podcasts: Is your child at or above grade level? -While some of these podcasts are somewhat hard to listen too (noise factor) I love listening to them and besides---They are FREE!
4. What type of learner is your child? by Family Education
(think this is very important and that each child can be different) NOTE: All three of us are different learners!! Me: Auditory, Ethan: Visual, Ben: Kinesthetic---so I really do try to bring in extra activities (besides core curriculum-A Beka) because of how they/we learn.
5. Homeschool Laws by State via HSLDA website
6.Homeschooling Preschool thru Middle School again via HSLDA website: The Early Years (Great Resource page)
So, there you have some of the websites and materials I look at for 'school standards,' but I'd like to also add---that these websites are to get an idea of what you'd like to teach. The best part of homeschooling is to pick and choose what you like to highlight within your curriculum. I for one, want a biblical foundation for my children, a strong sense of American history, and then branch out from there.
Also, to make note** every HS family is different and none are exactly the same, it's like fingerprints...everyone that Homeschools has a curriculum (even the un-schoolers), but each is unique. Even though I look at these materials, the most important subject is God. This is the main reason that my family homeschools, so that my children can be raised with a Biblical World View...and know Christ as their Personal Savior. IF we don't succeed in this matter, then I have failed.
Ok, so we have basically started another grading period, our fourth grading period out of six. We go by lesson plans provided through (A Beka Academy) and we are now on Lesson 94, on day 107 starting today. Here is a bird-eye view of what I use to help plan and what I have planned this quarter;
What I use for Homeschool Planning:
A Beka Academy Manual: DVD Option 2 (I keep their transcripts)
The Schoolhouse Planner,
Calendar of Historic Events (to guide for short unit studies)
Ethan is learning: (6th grade)
Bible: Memory Verses- Romans 8:28,Ephesians 4:31-32, Matthew 6:19-21
Math: Starting Geometry Lessons
Reading: Texts and extra reading: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
Language: Nouns, and all that applies; proper, predicate nominatives, direct/indirect objects, diagramming, prepositions,etc
Penmanship: Alliterated Sentences and using Presidential Penmanship: Italic Style Complete Program as supplemental handwriting from being on TOS Homeschool Crew.
Spelling: A Beka Spelling, Vocabulary, and Poetry 6
History: Geography Bowl/ Expansion and Evangelism: The Second Great Awakening, The CA Gold Rush, and for extra we are doing a unit study on Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12th)...
Science: Creation Astronomy and various projects.
The Schoolhouse Planner, helps me plan supplemental activities for each month...
![Presidents of the Past - The Old Schoolhouse Planner Module February 2009 www.theoldschoolhousestore.com](http://www.shareasale.com/image/FebModule_insidelook.jpg)
Benjamin is learning: (3rd grade)
Bible: Memory Verses: Hebrews 11:27-30
Math: Division Table 8, Concept of fractions, Short division, Multiplication Table 9, and Measuring Temperatures
Reading: Finishing up Secret in the Maple Tree by Matilda Nordtvedt and for extra reading, Magic Tree House series...various titles.
Health: Vitamins & Minerals, Safety traffic rules, and a balanced diet.
Language: Dictionary usage, Word Usage II
Penmanship: Cursive Writing Skill book 3: Writing with Phonics (A Beka Book)
Spelling: A Beka Spelling, Poetry
History: Our American Heritage 3 (A Beka Book)
Map Skills, John Smith, Pocahontas, Miles Standish
Both: (when possible, no specific schedule)
Foreign Language: Instant Immersion Spanish on CD-ROM
Art: How Great thou Art Book 1, and Lamb's Book of Art I by Barry Stebbing
Lucas: (Pre-K boy)
Numbers 1-10
Reading books together
So, there you have it--our upcoming plans for the rest of this year's Homeschooling! :)
Recently, I made a post about our half-way journey...so far so good for our first year. Still struggling with a set time for school, but at the end of the day---it gets done. Being in Germany in the winter time, has limited our outside play, but hopefully that we change soon. All things are possible with GOD! Anyway, we are definitely a busy family. Loving life as God's deems it possible.
Have a wonderful SECOND SEMESTER to everyone else!!! :) Please click on TOS BLOG CRUISE to read more posts about: How do I know what to teach?
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