MathScore.com® is an on-line program dedicated to improve math students' skills in all mathematical topics. To view all topics please go here. Developed by MIT graduates, MathScore is proven to raise test scores in school environments, and is now available to individual families. MathScore.com® is designed to help your children practice math very efficiently and easily keep you up-to-date with their progress.
There is a Home Version that we used (since we are a homeschool family) and there is also a School Version (for private/public schools). With the Home Version, there were a series of questions to fill out to better serve our needs. A benefit which I like very much. There is also two versions, MathScore.com and a full curriculum or as a supplemental. WE used it as a supplement to our own math curriculum.
Things we had to do for ultimate usage of MathScore:
1. Use Copy Cat Preparation and Copy Cat (to help with plugging in numbers on computer)
2. Complete or do well with "Fast" topics, such as "Fast Multiplication" and "Fast Addition".
3. We have the option to go all through a certain topic or we could switch topics at any point. That's the freedom with using MathScore.com
Visual Demos that you can view now are can be seen for parent features and student features.
A great value added by MathScore.com® is:
Instant Free Trial
MathScore® is 100% Internet-based and requires absolutely no installation, not even a plug-in. You can create 1 parent account for yourself and then create student accounts for your children. The free trial will last half a month if you add 1 student account. To start your two-week free trial, please go here.
Sign up for MathScore.com
Home Service Prices Per Month
Coupon: new user
1st Student $9.95 (discount from $14.95)
2nd Student $5.00
Each Additional Student $3.95
Coupon Benefits:
½ month free and $5 off
for 1st child.
Discounts valid for 2 months.
**Remember to type in coupon code: new user**
MathScore's patent-pending technology adapts difficulty based on the child's accuracy and speed, which optimizes learning and continually challenges students, keeping them engaged. In practice, students don't look at the chart, and they treat MathScore like a computer game. They just click on Do Worksheet and hope to get to the next level.
What I like most is that MathScore goes through the missed problems and throughly reviews and explains them. Here is an example;
Stemmerding Family's take on MathScore.com
In all honestly, we did not use much of MathScore.com; not because we didn't like it, but because of personal time constraints. Although, I do want to follow-up more in the future with MathScore.com. Next month, starts national standardize testing with DODDs-Europe Schools. Although, we do homeschool, I will allow my children sit in on these testing dates. I feel that MathScore.com is an excellent program and would definitely help bring up my boys math comprehension. The price per month is very reasonable considering the benefits, my son could maneuver around the site very well, and I feel MathScore.com dedicates it site to their mission---while not fancy in style---the program does what it says...helping math students excel in Math.
Overall, I would recommend to other families and the local school who need a supplement program or if they would like to use a whole curriculum on-line. If you have to pay for on-line tutoring, MathScore.com is an excellent tool. My 6th grader was the student to try out MathScore.com, but I also have a 3rd grader too. Getting the extra tools (website) in math skills brought into our homeschool has been a tremendous blessing. I am appreciative for being able to review Mathscore.com!
To view other TOS Crew Members review on MATHSCORE.COM, please visit here.
I am a TOS Homeschool Crew member for SY 2009-2010. Please check back often on my blog for great reviews on several learning materials and products. NOTE: I am not paid to do the product reviews, so my review is exactly how I feel about the educational product and how my family used it.
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