This typing curriculum for private schools and home schools designed for grades 6 and up! It includes the lesson, creating tables using Word 2003 which has increased the price nominally to just $15.95! To view the Table of Contents, please visit here.
These tools will pay for themselves many times over as your student utilizes this valuable skill for success at school and work while instilling Christian values.

Leanne Beitel also has a new Elementary Version! Download and own your copy today for only $12.95. This is great for students from grades K-5. This version offers only the basics of learning the keyboard with the help of Miss Mable the ladybug.
Need a Coupon to start the year right? Type NewYear5 in the Discount Code section for $5 off of your purchase of $12.95 or more available until February 28, 2010!
2010 NEW YEAR SPECIAL: Purchase both the Keyboarding for the Christian School, Revised Edition and the Elementary Edition for only $22! Yes, this is a big savings! So, purchase your e-books now for only $22 for both typing books!
Check out the FREEBIES tab for free sample lessons and other items.
About/Contact: Christian Keyboarding
Stemmerding Family take on Christian Keyboarding:
Well, at the beginning of the school year I did hear about this curriculum through the various homeschool websites and magazines. I wanted to purchase it already because 1.) I wanted a keyboarding program for the children 2.) It is Christian-based like our core-curriculum, but with getting the knowledge that I would have the opportunity to review it, I decided to wait for it.
I am satisfied with the curriculum. The program was given as e-books to us, so I didn't print it out all at once. Every time we have had typing/computer skills on our agenda...I would simply print out the page (that my son needed to copy)...otherwise we would just read the e-book on screen. I have learned to love my e-books. I still love getting books, but things that can be used over and over and through multi-levels-- E-books are definitely the way to go. Don't misunderstand, if you would like a hard copy--that is possible to order also.
My oldest is almost 12 years old, and in the 6th grade. He has had previous computer/typing skills, but with these exercises, I see that he is improving. And the simple fact that when he is typing and reading scripture---it is also reinforcing character. Typing skills and Character for the price of $15.95! Yes, of course this curriculum ALONE does not do that, but you get the idea. We all know that a well-rounded curriculum is best for our children. Just to mention, was about four pages were not crystal-clear, but the author has those pages on-line for print-out, otherwise we do love the curriculum.
Also, my third grader just loves having computer time...even if it's typing--he's all for it. We are not doing this (typing class) daily with him, so I can't really say that his typing skill have improved, but I know it will if I am more consistent with this curriculum.
The layout of both of these programs are easy to follow, instructions (for the kids) are easy to comprehend, the lessons are short and sweet (hey, their attention spans only go so far), and the Keyboarding time writing scales is awesome for parents and/or teachers. You can view their progress immediately. Overall, I like it!
Thanks for the opportunity to review Keyboarding for the Christian School. BTW, not trying to be bias, but the author is from Texas....so that's a plus in my book already!! :) HA HA HA!
NOTE: I am not paid to do the product reviews, so my review is exactly how I feel about the educational product and how my family used it.
If you would like to see about other educational products or more reviews on this particular product, please visit here.
Sorry, I don't know what that says! :(
Thank you for the lovely review Jessica!
If your readers are interested in my anniversary sale this month, just direct them to my website: http://christiankeyboarding.com and use the promo code of SPRING5 for $5 off of their May order.
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts!! Come back soon! Sincerely, Jessica