What is Eclectic Education Series from Dollar Homeschool? You can read about the History of Eclectic Education Series here. (Quite interesting) For an entire comprehensive list of the entire Eclectic Education Series, please press here. (You’ll be amazed at the content vs. the price) I feel that after receiving the entire Series---it’s PRICELESS!
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What did I receive from Dollar Homeschool? I received the entire package. Ray’s Arithmetic, McGuffey’s Readers, and History & Science CDs (well, I was able to download them on CD). What’s included you ask?
Ray's Arithmetic
A Complete K-12 math curriculum, from counting to calculus. The Ray's series includes a total of 38 books. These include the 12 core Textbooks, + Answer Key's, Teachers Editions, and several intriguing books of mathematical pursuits for the aspiring student, such as Surveying and Navigation, Astronomy, Book Keeping, and Physics. Enter list of contents for Ray’s Arithmetic located here.
There are 38 books, if you include Answer Keys/Teachers Editions. The Teachers Editions are simply the same book as their counterpart, with the answers included next to most of the problems. Purchase all the books for only $59 on CD here.
McGuffey's Readers
The All-American book series plus various other classics. McGuffey's Readers incorporate the best works in the English language. The McGuffey Readers do not just teach reading, but instruct the learner in Christian morals, history, and public speaking.
The Grammar Series- lead the beginning student to write correctly
Pinneo’s Grammar– For intermediate to advanced student
Harvey’s Grammar– For more advanced students
The entire collection of McGuffey's Readers now available on CD for only $39--- and your satisfaction is guaranteed. If unhappy just return within 30 day's, and we will immediately give you a full refund. To purchase this CD only please go here.
Eclectic Education Series History (only $39)
“History is one of the most important areas of study- not just so that we don't 'repeat the mistakes of the past', but because it enables us to learn about God.” --Dollar Homeschool Website
The History CD is an excellent collection of historical books, including Thalheimer's histories, a rare 3 volume set on Oliver Cromwell, Andrews Constitution, American Poetry, and more.
Thalheimer's Histories- They are written with the perspective that a book to teach boys history must be a book pleasant for boys to read. The History CD uses PDF files, which will run on Vista, Mac, or any other operating system. The History CD is designed to be a printing curriculum. In case of torn or damaged pages, the books are easily reprinted. This also allows for easy use over multiple children. EES History collection of 14 books on CD for only $39.00!
The entire collection of History books from the EES is now available on CD for only $39--- and your satisfaction is guaranteed. If unhappy just return within 30 day's, and they will immediately give you a full refund
Sample pages for both History and Science can be viewed here.
Eclectic Education Series
Science (only $39)
The Science books included in the Eclectic Education Series provide an interesting and informative introduction to many of the major sciences: Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Accounting, Botany, Industrial Mechanics, and more are all addressed.
The complete EES Science collection of 14 books on CD for only $39.00!
• The Science CD uses PDF files, which will run on Vista, Mac, or any other operating system. The Science CD is designed to be a printing curriculum. In case of torn or damaged pages, the books are easily reprinted. This also allows for easy use over multiple children. The entire collection of Science books from the EES is now available on CD for only $39--- and your satisfaction is guaranteed. If unhappy just return within 30 day's, and they will immediately give you a full refund.
Also available for the Teacher:
Teachers Books
Manual of Methods. 261. pages. This is possibly the most valuable book for mothers; it's a guide to all of the subjects included in the EES with instructions on how they can be taught.
Question Book. 165. This book is full of an assortment of problems from the Eclectic Education Series. It's purpose is to allow the teacher or student to review their over-all knowledge from their studies.
Successful Teaching in Rural Schools. 294 pages. This is a selection of letters, a record of the achievements of teachers in rural schools using the Eclectic Education Series.
The entire Eclectic Education Series, including Ray's Arithmetic, Science, History, Grammar, and McGuffey's Readers is now available on CD for only $159--- $56 dollars less than buying separately! And your satisfaction is guaranteed. If unhappy just return within 30 day's, and they will immediately give you a full refund. For a limited time they are offering FREE priority shipping! You can purchase using either your Credit Card or Paypal account by using Paypal's secure order form.
Stemmerding Family’s Review:
I LOVE THIS PRODUCT!! It is a priceless, whole curriculum that is a solid, biblical, classical foundation for any home-school family. Considering all that is listed above, it doesn’t even cover everything available in the Eclectic Education Series. It saves me several hundred of dollars just by including the great books, that I want our family to learn and read from.Some of my favorite are:
American Poems, 1776-1900
White’s First Book of Arithmetic
Guide to Health (G-rated, in case you were wondering)
First Year of Science
Nature Study (Awesome)
As a family that does a biblical-based, classical home-school program, I would also recommend this program and it’s a fraction of the cost (personally speaking). The Dollar Home-school Program; Eclectic Education Series is a tremendously valuable commodity for today’s student. As in the title, it's not a program that comes from a box. You plan your daily activities, but every core-subject is available. The only thing I would add in our program would be foreign language and computer skills.
The main reason we decided to pull our children from public school to homeschooling is that we want our children to have a biblical, high-standard, classical approach to learning. This program achieves and surpasses this goal and I am surprised how exciting it is to like an eclectic approach to teaching. No wonder why our earlier American’s achieved in making this country great: they had an outstanding curriculum and it was Biblical based.
If there was a fire in my home, I would take my laptop, these CDs, and my Bible. That’s how serious I think this program is a great asset to any home-school family. My only wish is that Americans would stop pretending how and why this nation came about; to being a Christian nation and a great one that grew out of morals and values looking upon God for guidance.
While reading Successful Teaching in Rural Schools; the most interesting statement out of the 294 pages, was this:
“We are very plastic, capable of being made or marred very easily and very quickly. If we meet the right influences, we become socially useful and personally noble; if we meet the wrong influences, too many of us, socially and personally, wither and die.” -Martha, a teacher.
Exactly. I want my children to get the best possible education, love, and biblical foundations only we (as parents) can provide and with materials like this (EES) it is definitely doable.
Here is my opinion of the above products. The science books are not going to be useful. At first, I was very excited about the grammar books; but as I studied them more closely, I realized that they weren't going to be all that useful either. After teaching grammar for five years, I realized that there are simpler ways to teach grammar than Pineo (which I just disagree with the way they explain some things) and Harvey's. I think better grammar books are the John Warriner series of grammars which teach sentence diagramming. The Long's langauge series I do intend to use and I think is very useful. The history books are excellent but many of these are already freely available via google books. The Arithmetic books are truly priceless. This is IMO the real value of the series. I love the story problem approach to math. I intend to use these heavily in my homeschool. Godspeed.
Thank you Chris for the comment. With the Pinneos, I like the elementary grammar as well as the Harveys Elementary Grammar, but like all curriculum(s)--you pick and choose what you like and dislike. Overall, I am grateful for reviewing it and really like the majority of each subject/materials...
Hopefully like any products we should all research for what we really like, see if we can get it free (online) like you mentioned and then go for the best prices.
For all the contents of this product. I think it's very reasonable. And we have the option to just purchase (e.g. only the History CD) etc...
I still use A Beka for my main curriculum this year...but I love this material too.
I am new at homeschooling. I am researching which curriculum to chose and which not. I like the old style. I have read good amount of information about this curriculum you reviewed and it seems like everyone writes good things about it but they end up choosing something else? Why are you doing A Beka if you don't mind me asking vs this? I am tempted to buy it but I really don't feel like having whole bunch of curriculum laying around my house and not knowing which one is best! Hope to hear from you.
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