What is AVKO? AVKO is a non-profit organization, founded by Don McCabe, that specializes in teaching dyslexics how to read, write, spell and type. AVKO develops books and materials utilizing the multi-sensory approach (Audio, Visual, Kinesthetic, Oral) that can be used with anyone and by anyone. "AVKO materials and methods are all common-sense and effective with those we have worked with: young and old, dyslexic and non-dyslexic."
Perhaps the most important difference between the traditional approach to spelling and the AVKO (Audio-Visual-Kinesthetic-Oral) approach is that we use the tests as a learning device and not as a method of evaluation. We believe that the natural method of learning is learning from mistakes, and that is why we want students to correct their own mistakes when they make them — so they can learn from them.
Benefits of AVKO Individual Membership
+ Discounts on AVKO printed materials
+ Hundreds of dollars worth of FREE e-books (PDF)
+ The Patterns of English Spelling (All 10 Volumes) with Word Families in Sentence Context (1631 pages)
+ To Teach a Dyslexic (145 pages)
+ Starting at Square One (316 pages)
+ The Teaching of Reading & Spelling: a Continuum from Kindergarten through College. (364 pages)
+ The Reading Teacher's List of Over 5,500 Basic Spelling Words
+ Access to the Member Only section
+ AVKO Newsletter with freebies, discounts, resources, and promotions
+ Access to Don McCabe's most popular workshop recordings in MP3 format.
+ Supplemental Curriculum Materials including word games, worksheets, activities, and more!
+ Access to Pretests and Placement Tests
+ Access to the Answer Keys for the Unscramblers and Family Reunion exercises of the + Engaging Language Kits
Membership with the AVKO Foundation
Join the AVKO Foundation and its Fight to Bring Literacy to All
(And Receive Lots of Freebies, Promotions, and Discounts!)
Basic Membership
25% discount on all printed AVKO materials
Deluxe Membership
25% discount on all printed AVKO materials
What does deluxe membership include?
Benefits of AVKO Deluxe MembershipAccess to all of the benefits of AVKO's Basic Membership (see below)
25% discount off all materials ordered
Read-only access to ALL AVKO curriculum materials (except for Sequential Spelling and Engaging Language Kits)
Access to AVKO's newest e-books:
Word Family Supplements 1-7 for Sequential Spelling
Spelling Remediation Test Kit
Basic Membership includes:
Discounts on AVKO printed materials
Hundreds of dollars worth of FREE e-books (PDF)
The Patterns of English Spelling (All 10 Volumes) with Word Families in Sentence Context
To Teach a Dyslexic
Starting at Square One
The Teaching of Reading & Spelling: a Continuum from Kindergarten through College.
The Reading Teacher's List of Over 5,500 Basic Spelling Words
Access to the Member Only section
AVKO Newsletter with freebies, discounts, resources, and promotions
Access to Don McCabe's most popular workshop recordings in MP3 format.
Supplemental Curriculum Materials including word games, worksheets, activities, and more!
Access to Pretests and Placement Tests
Access to the Answer Keys for the Unscramblers and Family Reunion exercises of the Engaging Language Kits
Our take on this website and product...is that we love it! I don't have any children with being dyslexic, but I do love the approach AVKO (Audio-Visual-Kinesthetic-Oral).
I think by just receiving the e-books makes the membership worthwhile. Although, I haven't read all of them, I was quite intriqued with what I have read. And with a preschooler in our home, this information will help me tremendously when it comes time to teaching reading, writing, and spelling to my two smaller sons. Since this is the first year we have been homeschooling... the truth is I have never (yet) to teach starting in the early school-age years. Now, with this website and AVKO approach, I feel that this is right for us and have more confidence to teach reading to my sons. The website is excellent, and if you use social networks, they are available though those mediums too!
AVKO Educational Research Foundation
[Website] http://www.avko.org
[Blog] http://www.avko.blogspot.com
[Twitter] http://www.twitter.com/avko
[Facebook] http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=50567297228
[Join our newsletter] http://tinyurl.com/d4zbf5
With an excellent price for membership VS product and I am very grateful for being apart of this particular review for TOS Homeschool Crew 2009. Please don't get overwhelmed by the vast information provided on their website. A page titled,"Where to Start with AVKO Materials" is listed here.
NOTE: I am not paid to do the product reviews, so my review is exactly how I feel about the educational product and how my family used it.
For more product reviews on AVKO please visit the TOS Homeschool Crew Blog.
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts!! Come back soon! Sincerely, Jessica