A novel by Jim Baumgardner. Please be sure to visit Sarah's website at Sarahbooks.net
Sarah’s Wish is the 1st book of a Series. Sarah's Wish is a paperback book containing 126 pages of reading. Also with your purchase of this book and located at the end of the book you receive a special code to download the audio book of Sarah's Wish. That's great!
Specials for all three books of the Series:
Sarah's Wish - Sarah's Promise - Sarah's Escape
Order all three Sarah books. Retail: $47.97
Author Price: $39.95 Shipping and Handling Free
Or chose each individual book:
Sarah’s Wish
Sarah’s Promise
Sarah’s Escape
Sarah’s 4th title coming soon!
Sarah’s Wish Pricelist:
Retail: $10.99
Author’s Price: $9.99
Free Shipping & Handling
Sarah's Wish Audio Book - 4 CD's approx. 4 hours listening
Retail: $24.99
Author's Price: $16.99
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Retail: $14.99
Author's Price: $13.50
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What the Stemmerding family has to say about Sarah's Wish...
Upon our first 'encounter' with Mr. Jim Baumgardner (through email), he comes across as very laid back and funny!! :) He let us know that he had sent our 'free' copy of Sarah's Wish. We have enjoyed reading his Sarah Web Newsletter through direct email. The newsletter contains a variety of tidbits that are related to Sarah Books. Include in the web newsletter are: interesting facts and other good stuff, questions of the month(about Sarah and her adventure), I got mail (responses made from fans), questions and answers (to author), and words of wisdom (in which is my favorite)--I love the quotes and sayings.
Sarah's Wish opens up with the reality of losing someone special. Wow, it made me cry and then I was hooked! The author is a wonderful storyteller and with reading Sarah's Wish, I would definitely recommend this book and this series to anyone from child to adulthood. I love that Sarah's story takes place in a trial time for America. Unfortunately, this is apart of American history. We need to remember though is that we should fight for what is right. A good deed in my book (having integrity) is most important and most importantly-in God's Book.
This era reminds me of the verse, "Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men." in Acts 5:29. Sometimes we need or should realize that men have hearts of sin, and that some of their laws do in fact go against God's word. Sarah throughout the book wants to keep her promise to her mother and yet sometimes telling it to someone else for the benefit or even save the life of another friend takes priority. And during this era of slavery, sometimes laws are made to be broken...
Sarah has a most important wish that she prays to God diligently and now you'll have to read to find out if it has been fulfilled...
Oh, by the way this book series is not only for girls. I have four boys and my school-age boys enjoyed this book (I read it for together time) as much as I did. Not until this book, did my children wonder or know about the era of slavery (in detail)and how intense this time period was. I whole-heartedly recommend this series to anyone wanting a good read, with Christian value and quality.
Being such a great guy that he is (Jim) there is a special for my readers!! This special is not through his website but through my blog! Here are the details:
Specials for Friends of the TOS Homeschool Crew
Not offered on my website--Order by mail only
Sarah’s Wish – 126 pages $8.50 (retail: $10.99) save $2.49
Sarah’s Promise – 245 pages $10.50 (retail: $14.99) save $4.49
Sarah’s Escape – 304 pages $15.50 (retail: $21.99) save $6.49
Please comment that you want the information for this special and add your e-mail so I can send you his order form (through post mail-only).
NOTE: I am not paid to do the product reviews, so my review is exactly how I feel about the educational product and how my family used it.
To view other reviews on Sarah's Wish please go to the TOS Homeschool Crew Blog.
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