Following up with the Not-Back-to-School blog hop; this week is about 'A day in the life of..." For this particular blog; a day in the life of the Ironside Christian Academy.
Well, we actually started our homeschool 3 August 2009. So, we are starting our 3rd week of homeschooling. Needless-to-say, it has already been an adventure. Mind you--this is our FIRST year of homeschooling...but, as my oldest son starts the 6th grade, in all honestly, I have always wanted to homeschool my children. I won't go into why we never did start, but the good news is that we are here now.
In a more strange reply, I never have been opposed to public school; except for the fact that now---more than ever--public school is a dangerous environment for Christian students and for parents who are trying to teach them Christian values...Last year when my 2nd son did a "Winter Program" (not CHRISTMAS PROGRAM), sang the most outrageous songs that were questionable....and when I heard a Valentine's song over any CHRISTMAS songs...I really, really was done with public schools.
After researching for years, and with good advice from experienced homeschoolers...we made the choice of doing A Beka. Even if I do have the materials sent in a box and DVD teachers....there is still much for preparation and organization...
From the first two weeks, EVEN after setting up a schedule...some days we'd finish at 1300 (1 P.M) and one day at almost 1800 (6 P.M)--and on average 1500 (3 P.M.).
I have a 11 y/o, 7 y/o, a 3 y/o, and baby boy is 10 mos old. A good day is when everyone does what is expected of them and a bad day---is well a bad day. Now, when I say that---even a bad day is GOOD, because overall we are learning together as a family, reading and learning the Bible, and spending time together---building that family relationship. Hard is that may be!! It does take some getting use to (after all these years).
Overall, we are enjoying it. But, here lately, I changed our schedule around and developed a new system for organization. I am sure everyone has heard about the Sue Patrick Workbox system? I finally put it into play --actually this morning!!! We usually start around 0800, but today is was more around 0830. The boys actually finished (completely) at 1230---just at lunch time~!!!!!! YIPPEEE!! I was so thrilled!! And the boys actually commented on the workbox system and said it's so much better and of course faster!!! The visual effect it gives is small but so tremendous in its results.
So today went like this:
0730-wake up (clean room, breakfast, personal hygiene, get dress)
1230-1300- Lunch/Recess
1300-1400- Free time/Individual work (ALEKS, Quarter Mile)
1400-1545- Outside play
around 1600- We watched a movie together
1800-1930- Dinner prep/Dinner/Clean-up
1930-2015- Studied with my 3rd grader for his 'science test' tommorrow
2100- Everyone to bed (except for me of course) --now I am here blogging :)
Thanking the Lord for the Workbox system and praying that this is what we needed for a 'smooth' ride...
Yes, I know along the way--there will be some detours, possible road construction, a few wrecks?!, but I feel as long as I know that we don't do this by ourselves and that I (we) keep trusting the Lord, everything will be ok...
Jessica, This sounds so nice! I am glad you are all doing so well! I was a basket case when I started homeschooling:) The boys look very happy. I am excited to look into the workbox system also.
Wow-- you have it so much more together than I did my first year. I was a nervous wreck with my kindergartner.
I'm curious how you have your workbox system set up. I'd like to put it into practice, but my initial test-run failed. Really, I think I just need the proper storage for the supplies (like the tubs that she features on the site.)
Great glad it worked for you!! Thanks for sharing...may you have many more great days!
Thank you all for your wondeful comments!! :) We are doing well, as to be expected -I suppose! :) Many Blessings to you all and your homeschooling. I am truly loving it and I hope that rubs off on the kiddos!!
Hello Jessica,
We really do appreciate sharing the daily details of Ironside Christian Academy! So many parents are often overcome by the idea of having to "school" their children at home. You have given them an honest glimpse of what homeschooling really is and we thank you for that! If your readers are wondering where to start with their young ones, they can visit:
Blessings to you and your lovely family as you journey through homeschooling!
Diane Whyms
Garrett is my son! :)
Thank you Diane for your remarks...sorry I am just viewing it! :)
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts!! Come back soon! Sincerely, Jessica