I was reading a TOS article (of course) in regards to why most Christian parents homeschool [stay home] instead of letting their children attend a public school. Here are some astounding statistics or facts I should say..... Please have a quick look at them below...
I guess the truth is I used to feel that way too.Feeling that my children will be ok in public school as long as we are faithful Christians, but sadly that is not the case. Truth is I have always wanted or desired to homeschool my children from the beginning; but had some disagreements either with my husband and self-conscience mind (having doubt if I could do it). Sometimes that does get a person into trouble!! We should pray and look to God for the answers...but, I have always known that if both parents are not in-sync when it comes to homeschooling -it's not a win/win situation but rather a lose/lose. I thank the Lord for convicting my heart to homeschool and always for the blessings and support from my husband.
From my husband's point of view, he knew some 'homeschoolers' in his youth---who in actuality were NOT homeschooled and left a distasteful memory...but now, he (we) see the light against the darkness about homeschooling and the public schools....
Take a look at one or all of the links:
Salt & Light, The Great Commission & Who's
Responsible for Educating Your Children
[ExodusMandate.org is really one of the most influential factors in our decision to yank our children out of public school.]
Pull kids from public school: Pastor follows Baptists' lead in presenting resolution to denomination
Family Life Council says it's time to bring family back to life
God, Religion ... Whatever -- Are Our Churchgoing Youth Falling Away from the Faith?
The Greatest Untapped Evangelistic Opportunity Before the Modern Church
There were many other websites, but I feel that you get the idea about the subject of homeschooling vs. public school in regards to your Children's Salvation and the duty of being a Christ-follower.
I have said in a post lately about having the idea of my children participating somewhat in the school system (e.g.--taking a class here and there) but, now with reading another article "Public School-Assisted homeschooling: What Is the cost?" by Steve Waldon, my children will not be attending at all. There is too much of a risk with what could happen in regards to their Faith- as children of God.
The more I see what goes on in public schools [some shocking (sexting) to generation after generation of (favorites/cliques)] --homeschooling is all the more appealing as Christian parents.
Yes, you CAN homeschool!
We weren't always homeschoolers either. We pulled our kids out of PS (public school) June 2008. I like you always wanted to homeschool, but I didn't have my husband's support. Right now we are happy with our decision to homeschool and we will always be looking at it and reevaluating. Just because that's the type of people we are. Just last night DH asked the children if they missed the public school they went too. Our DS said NO way, DD said she missed some of her "friends". I know that some of that is because her best friend, the one we kept in contact with moved to MI (we are in IL) recently.
This is very helpful. I had also considered, recently, having one of my older children attend the local public school for driver's education classes. I have been very hesitant. Thank you for writing this. I would rather pay the few hundred dollars to have him enroll in classes we have to pay for ourselves, so he doesn't have to be involved in the school at all.
Mrs. White
Thank you both for your comments. Just the other day I found out about an extracurriculum class offered at the school for my oldest (6th grade) but, alas he wasn't 'choosen' for the class (A/B and all A honor roll and still didn't get in?)---I mainly think it's becuase they know he'll be homeschooled this year. Even if the school's class is few in number (it was a kinda of 'gifted class')--- nothing compares to one-on-one class time with the teacher...(e.g. homeschool). Many blessing to both your homeschooling...
Even after reading the articles, I feel God was telling us...nope, it's not a good idea about public-assisted programs... I don't know I guess it does depend on the area you are living at, but not here where I am at...
I agree with you! I sent my daughter (who has autism) to school for a few years thinking it was the best thing for her. I found out later that it wasn't!! (You can read about it on my blog at www.homeschoolblogger.com/ourcrewsship) My other two chidren have never attended public or private schools at all. They have homeschooled from the beginning and will continue to homeschool until graduating. I also really hate the new government sponsored "homeschool" option that is becoming more popular every year. Obviously whenever the government gets involved in anything related to school, it gets worse, not better! For the vast majority of students, homeschooling is a wonderful educational opportunity! I pray that we won't let the government get involved and ruin a good thing.
I totally agree Wendy. They (government) now knows that homeschooling is on the rise, but they are missing the POINT to that. Parents want to raise their children to be loyal, moral citizens, proud of their country, and to GOD. Or at least Christian homeschoolers do... So, now the 'trend' is to say...oh, now we have "virtual schooling" and yet---they will still teach evolution, and probably different ideas---that's the REASON why we took our kids out (in the first place)---Trying to control us (parents/children) ---one way or another...
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