Our Bible Bee journey has been one of excitement, privileged and a challenge for us as a family. We have been enjoying it; although it has tapered off in it's newness...
As the weeks have been going by, the more in-depth our study is in 2 Timothy and with several cross-references proves this is not walk in the park studying. As I would have liked my children to be further along in their studies, the meeting at F.E.A.S.T was an excellent morale booster to us all. I am so appreciative of the work some families (who have experience in participating in the local & national levels) put into bringing the Bible Bee Fellowship into gear.
We've had the opportunity to come together as families to reach out for support and guidance on how to study our memory verses, study skills about the written and oral exams for the DAY!! Since this is our first year of the Bible Bee -- I am very thankful for events like this...
We still have approximately 5 weeks before the competition...and since we start full day homeschooling (starting next week) -- it will be a major part of our homeschool day.
Did you know you CAN sing your verses for the oral testing (excluding nationals)??!! I am glad we bought the verse CD too. We'll see if it helps with memorizing the verses.
A young man who has had the opportunity to make it to nationals several times had complied a mock test (along with another friend of his) for the local participants. They graciously gave us a copy to print out (my friend did that for me) and the children had about 20 mins to complete 75 questions (there are 200 questions for the competition and ONE hour to complete).
My oldest did fair well...whereas my 10 y/o did not, but it was to be expected. We will definitely dig deeper in the comprehension and cross references. Above in the photo you can see where both my boys practiced a verse like they would do during the oral part of the contest.
OH!!! And a lady there gave me an extra sword study that she had!! How wonderful. It will help me more to study along with the boys...instead of hovering over their work. ;)
The teenage boy mentioned that the written can make or break you!! It's just NOT about memorizing the verses (which is fantastic), but the key is having the family (mainly our children) having the skills and desire to read God's word, as well as, to apply His Word and comprehend His Word.
I want to thank my friend, Charlotte, for REMINDING of the fellowship and letting us tag along with her Tuesday night. Her two children are also competing in the Bible Bee.
So, it's been fun and I realize we need to boggled down, and dig deeper into 2 Timothy!!
**I would recommend these sword studies to anyone at any time. They are wonderful source of study into the Bible. You can research more at BibleBee.Org
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