Beehive Reader 1
Hardcover: 160 pages
ISBN: 978-1-935197-03-4
Phonics Based, and Beehive Reader 1 correlates with All About Spelling Level One.
**Can also be used independently with the All About Spelling program. Beehive Reader 1 is available for purchase for $19.95 at the All About Spelling Website. The program includes decoding skills, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary and lots and lots of reading practice.
Read more about the product itself and to view examples of the book, please visit here.
Table of Contents:
1. At the Pond
2. The Nap
3. At Camp
4. The Pet Duck
5. The Bat and King Sam
6. Frank Shrank!
7. Cobweb the Cat
8. Ten Wishes
9. Fast Fun
10. Off We Go!
Example of a page from the Beehive Reader 1:
As you can see, the words are in a phrase-format, fonts are slightly large and selected for easy reading and to easily determine between those hard to distinguish letters like p and q, d, and b --so the children can read the text fluently. The sudtle underline breaks the phrases and are awesome for children you tend to lose their places, e.g. my middle child often does this...it's a great tool for usage. Some may or may not need it, but I think is great that the writer thought about it.
More general information about Beehive Reader 1:
-It was created for the beginning reader.
-It is a collection of 10 short stories on 160 pages inside a high-quality hardcover book.
-When one is using AAS Level 1, instructions are included in the corresponding lesson when it is time for the student to read a story in the reader, making it easy on the parent for scheduling reading time.
Story 1, “At the Pond,” can be read after Step 15
Story 2, “The Nap,” can be read after Step 17
Story 3, “At Camp,” can be read after Step 18
Story 4, “The Pet Duck,” can be read after Step 19
Story 5, “The Bat and King Sam,” can be read after Step 20
Story 6, “Frank Shrank!” can be read after Step 21
Story 7, “Cobweb the Cat,” can be read after Step 22
Story 8, “Ten Wishes,” can be read after Step 23
Story 9, “Fast Fun,” can be read after Step 24
Story 10, “Off We Go!” can be read after Step 24
-Beehive Reader 1 was recently awarded a Silver Medal for The Moonbeam’s Children’s Book Awards.
To read more about All About Spelling Program,please visit here. And for the Beehive Reader 1, go here.
Stemmerding Family's take of the Beehive Reader 1
We do enjoy this book. As a homeschool family of six, books are a way of life and good, quality books are priceless. As mentioned above, this book correlates with the AAS Level 1 program. If you don't know about All About Spelling, I would suggest you visit the website here. I can not wait to start this program with my three-year old. We have been doing some of the exercises, very easy ones...he's just learning the alphabet and phonics. I have heard tremendous good things about AAS. To visit a multitude of reviews about AAS, please go here.
Anyway, this book is hardcover, so the durability and shelf-live should be excellent. My older two boys (when asked by my three-year old) will read this book to him. It's his favorite book right now. I love the fact that he is so interested in 'reading.' He is so cute, he'll want to 'read' a page and then he'll pass the book to them or me (depending who is reading with him) and it'll go on like that for a good while before he is done reading. And then it starts all over again.
I did wonder why the book was not in color. That's the one thing I would change, but again, the illustrations are beautifully hand-drawn (in print of course), and even still--I love it. But as I gather, the pages are printed that way for the purpose of non-glare; so it's more easy on the children's eyes while they read. I would grade this book an A for quality all-around; the hardcover back, the illustrations, the wording is wonderfully made (stories), and the fact that is goes along with the AAS Level 1 makes it all the more useful.
To view more product reviews on The Beehive Reader 1 book, please visit here.
NOTE: I am not paid to do the product reviews, so my review is exactly how I feel about the educational product and how my family used it.
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