As anyone who has made a big move, ours being from one continent to another, then you know how I feel right about now...
We are now barely settling in our new home and enjoying it. The only thing I wish we had was a washer and dryer!! When we PCS'd to Germany we left Ft. Leonard Wood, MO and we had to put some items in storage; two being the washer and dryer and other things. Now, five years later, we are back in the States and scheduled to get that shipment. I have no clue how and in what conditioned they will be in, but we have to at least wait and see before buying new ones. The laundry mat is quite expensive!!! :/
Anyway, back to homeschooling...
As far as our homeschooling is going: we have had several weeks where we were not fully able to do all subjects now that we are in home, have unpacked most of our books, and while I am still trying to organize the house - we are back in full swing of homeschooling.
I do 4 full nine-week terms (planner from Living Books Curriculum), and we are currently in the 3rd Term.
We are finishing up:
(BOTH BOYS) Bible - Proverbs Journibles 17:18 Project
Plants Grown Up - Select a verse and illustrate it. (LOVE THIS IDEA)
Math - (5th) Measurements and starting to grasp fractions...
he will start Life of Fred: Fractions to finish out the year.
(8th) Life of Fred: Pre-Algebra with Economics and Key To Algebra Series
(BOTH BOYS) English - A Beka (5th and 8th)
(BOTH BOYS) History - A History of US by Joy Hakim, *book 3 right now
(BOTH BOYS) - Human A & P (Apologia)
(BOTH BOYS) - Vocabulary from Classical Roots (5, B)
Science - (BOTH BOYS) Nature Study
(8th) Apologia: Physical Science
Hymnal Study: Jesus Loves Even Me
Group Reading: The Case for Easter by Lee Strobel (since Easter/Resurrection Day is near)
Individual Reading: (5th) The Black Pearl by Scott O'Dell
(8th) Moby Dick by Herman Melville
Foreign Language: We started out using Memoria Press - First Form Latin earlier in the year, but with the transitioning -- I packed it away (not wanting to lose the books/flaschcards/DVDs we are behind or need to start where we left off (and that wasn't very far)...So we'll start up sometime soon.
Art Appreciation has been left out to say the least (shameful) ;) -- I did however visit the local library to get my very own library card and checked out a book titled: Western Art 1600- 1800 by Christopher McHugh to go along with our History studies...
Hi Jessica,
We own Plants Grown Up also but have never really utilized it. Can you share how you use it with your boys? Thanks so much!
@Kjlb37 --- The way we use the book is like right now we just started the section "Godliness" --it's more devotional time rather than our Bible class. I use a mixture of books.
I haven't gone through the book from cover to cover...I have skipped around in the book (which is why I like it).
We do section A:
which is copying the passage, reading it, writing it, etc. etc.
Then because I have a 5th grader and and 8th grader -- one does the Intermediate plan and the other-Advanced. (Or some of the 'assignments' they will both do...
The verses given for memorization/study --they will use as copywork in their books.
If I don't have the supplemental books for a certain task, we skip over it and do the next. When I ordered it, I received the CD-rom with all the worksheet and that's a nice helpful tool as well.
Hardly use the Projects page, but because I just use my own planner to keep track...but I do love the Checklist sheet. ;)
Overall I love Plants Grown Up!! Such knowledge and wisdom all in one book for SONS! :) Which we only have.
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts!! Come back soon! Sincerely, Jessica